Tag: Syria

  • Maaloula - Syrian Christian stronghold

    09 maalula xristianiko propyrgio tis syrias

  • Christians in Syria - Hanging tough and enduring

    A Christian temple in the dessert outside the village of Maalula.It is estimated that of the 17 million people living in Syria, 1,200,000 are Christians and 800,000 of those are Greek Orthodox. Among the latter, 1,300 are Greeks, 900 living in Aleppo and 400 in Damascus, who are well-accepted, and greatly appreciated.

  • Hama, Syria - The wooden wheels of Orontes River

    Since the Middle Ages the wooden wheels of Orontes pump the water.

    Hama city is located in the middle of the road that connects Damascus to Aleppo. The Orontes River that crosses the city moves the huge wooden wheels that bring water used for irrigation in gardens and orchards of the area. Modern pumps though, are more effective than the old, sluggish means of the past. That is why only ten of the thirty wheels existing in the Middle Ages are left.

  • Palmyra, Syria - In the heart of the desert

    A family is getting some rest under the Arabic castle Qala'at ibn Maan's shadow, next to Tadmor oasis, in Palmyra of Syria. The temperature is 47 degrees under the shade and there's deathly silence.

  • Syria - Baghdad Café

    The coffee house's sign is placed on an old cart.

    Driving in the desert is difficult, as scenery remains unchanged for miles and roads are often covered with sand that is moved by strong winds. Cars also suffer in the desert, due to running in high temperatures. This is why travellers feel relieved when they encounter a sign of human existence in the vast, burning horizon unfolding in front of them.